students walking to school

Prep Outdoor Learning & Forest School

It is now widely accepted that time spent in natural surroundings is good for us in terms of our mental and physical wellbeing but also assisting with focus, independence and social skills.

Our Prep School is very fortunate to have such a beautiful setting and such extensive grounds. Our pupils frequently enjoy these green spaces and woodland areas in a wide variety of ways.

Outdoor Classroom Learning

Our teachers regularly take classroom learning outside, giving children the chance to apply their skills in different and engaging contexts.

Forest School

Our long-established Forest School, set in our platinum award-winning woodlands, provides our pupils with the freedom to enjoy the natural environment and to discover themselves.

All pupils enjoy weekly Forest School sessions taught by an accredited Forest School leader. Many of these sessions will involve campfires and, quite often, we enjoy food preparation, cooking and eating!

Problem solving skills, agility, self-confidence, tenacity and resilience are all developed through a combination of free time and structured challenges.

Time in the forest also allows the children to have the freedom to climb trees and relax, making dens and lifelong memories.

Skills Progression

As an example of skills progression in Forest School, Year 6, pupils will have the opportunity to:

  • Replicate the water cycle using natural materials.
  • Capture digital images using a hand-held device to record change over time.
  • Set up a wildlife camera to capture images of wildlife at night.
  • Select tools suitable for a task and use them safely and independently (supervised).
  • Identify poisonous plants.
  • Gather resources for a fire, light it and boil water.
  • Plan, prepare and cook food on an open fire.
  • Use knot making skills to create a rope trail for younger pupils.
  • Understand how to maintain a willow structure.
  • Develop practical skills and use tools to create, build or manage.
  • Evaluate risk.
  • Develop personal and social skills and build confidence.
  • Work through practical problems and challenges.

Easter In the City – Monday 31st March

Suitable for children who are walking to age 6, complimentary event limited space available
Register Here