girls on a balance beam

Nursery Outdoor Learning & Forest School

Outdoor play is an integral part of our days. We head outside come rain, wind or shine, as there’s nothing better than jumping in muddy puddles in our wellies, or skipping around in the leaves, with the sun on our faces.

Forest School

Our long-established Forest School, set in our platinum award-winning woodlands, provides our Nursery and Prep School pupils with the freedom to enjoy the natural environment and to discover themselves.

Outdoor time lets children observe the changes of nature, the transformation of the elements and the interdependence of all living things, giving the child a deep sense of belonging, allowing them to feel part of a wonderful, everchanging world.

Time in the forest allows the children to have the freedom to climb trees and relax, making dens and lifelong memories.

Problem solving skills, agility, self-confidence, tenacity and resilience are developed through a combination of free play and structured challenges.

Extended Learning and Development Opportunities

  • Fresh air, natural materials and areas for digging, growing and splashing in puddles can contribute to children’s development in ways that could never be achieved indoors.
  • Children flourish when playing outdoors in all weathers. Feeling sun, wind, rain, snow and ice first hand is important as it connects us as human beings to the planet we live on.
  • Being in nature stimulates the senses and nurtures a sense of wonder and awe at the processes of life.
  • Different natural spaces can simultaneously ignite creativity and imagination whilst fostering a sense of wellbeing and calm.
  • Outdoor learning introduces children to an active and healthy lifestyle, whilst encouraging them to explore and learn in an outdoor environment.
  • From outdoor numeracy to den building, our skilled nursery practitioners will facilitate hands-on sensory experiences that nature brings.

Easter In the City – Monday 31st March

Suitable for children who are walking to age 6, complimentary event limited space available
Register Here