student rolling paint

Bursaries, Scholarships and Loyalty Fee Remission


We wish to ensure that Gosfield School is accessible to as many pupils as possible who would benefit from an education here. Therefore, any prospective pupil from a low-income family is eligible to apply for a Bursary to obtain means-tested financial support in respect of school fees. Bursaries do not preclude pupils from also holding a scholarship award.

Bursaries can be offered to new pupils and those who are already in the school and whose families have suffered sudden and unexpected financial hardship.

When applying, parents must indicate in a separate letter that a bursary may be needed. A bursary application form can be downloaded here and this should be completed and returned. It will be treated in strict confidence.

The bursary application will be reviewed by the Finance Committee. The granting of a bursary is discretionary and in making its decision, the school considers a wide range of appropriate matters including, but not limited to, parental/guardian income (from all sources), assets (including personal property), other matters that are particular to the pupil such as family circumstances, availability of places in the year group and the ability of the pupil to fully access our curriculum. All bursaries are reassessed annually and all bursary recipients are expected to maintain the high standards expected of them and continue to be a credit to the School.

Bursary Application Deadline

Bursary applications for new pupils to join the school can be made at any time during the school year. Applications from existing pupils can also be made at any time during the school year. However, all bursaries are strictly limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis so an application at the earliest time is strongly recommended.

How to Apply for a Bursary

An application form can be downloaded by clicking the link below. Applications, except for Sixth Form loyalty bursaries, will requires the applicant to provide financial information about household income, assets and financial liabilities. These will be considered, in strict confidence, by the school’s Finance Committee. Sixth Form loyalty bursaries are subject to other conditions being satisfactorily met by the prospective pupil and will be determined by the Principal.


Scholarships are assessed with a view to encouraging pupils with a particular talent to be extended in their scholarship subject. The breadth and depth of the awards can vary each year depending on the quality of applicants but are generally a 10% fee remission, sometimes more for really exceptional candidates, and often Honourary scholarships which do not attract fee remission but benefit from the schools scholarship programme, Scholarships are generally available for students in the Senior School but are also available for Prep pupils with particular talent. Scholarships are available in the Prep and Senior schools for pupils applying to join our Cricket or Performing Arts Academies.

All scholarships are assessment based and are at the discretion of the Principal. The awards are made without regard to parental income and are worth a percentage of the school fees.

Candidates in receipt of a scholarship award must play an active part in their scholarship area throughout their school life to retain their award and all scholars are assessed annually to ensure that they are making the appropriate contribution to school life. A scholarship may be withdrawn where it is determined that this is not being upheld.

Pupils receiving a bursary award may also apply for a scholarship and similarly, pupils awarded a scholarship are not precluded from applying for a bursary, subject to completion of our bursary application form.

Scholarships are available in the following areas of academia, sports and the arts:

All-Rounder Scholarships

All-Rounder Scholarships are awarded to pupils joining the School in Year 7 and 12 and occasionally to exceptional Prep pupils and may be honourary or represent a fee remission normally from 10% to 50%. The level of fee remitted is at the Principals discretion. These scholarships are awarded to candidates who are academically sound, genuine all-rounders with real evidence of potential leadership. Candidates wishing to be considered for a scholarship will be asked to submit school reports and a portfolio reflecting achievements and will be interviewed by the Principal.

Academic Scholarships

Academic Scholarships are awarded to pupils joining the Senior School and occasionally to exceptional Prep pupils and normally represent up to 20% remission on fees. These scholarships are awarded to candidates who have exceptional academic subject skills who show real evidence of potential leadership. Candidates wishing to be considered for an academic scholarship will be asked to submit subject specific school reports and a portfolio reflecting subject achievements and will be interviewed by the Principal.

Art Scholarships

Art Scholarships are awarded to pupils joining the Senior School and occasionally to exceptional Prep pupils and normally represent up to 20% remission on fees. Candidates wishing to be considered for a scholarship will initially be asked to submit a portfolio of their work for assessment by the Head of Art. The portfolio should reflect the breadth and depth of personal interest in the subject and may include paintings, prints, drawings and photographs of three-dimensional work. Portfolios will be returned. Successful candidates will be invited to attend a scholarship interview and to undertake a still life drawing. All Art Scholars are expected to be fully committed to the school’s art programme.

Sports Scholarships

Sports Scholarships are awarded to pupils joining the School in Year 7 and 12 and occasionally to exceptional Prep pupils and normally represent up to 20% remission on fees. Candidates are expected to show exceptional promise in at least one sport and have an established record of achievement in one of Gosfield School’s principal sports. Candidates will be required to take part in drills and game situations to show evidence of their positional and tactical awareness as well as skill, agility and fitness level. Records of achievement and school recommendations will be taken into consideration. All Sports Scholars are expected to be fully committed to the school’s sports programme.

Cricket Academy Scholarships

Cricket Academy Scholarships are awarded to pupils joining the School in Prep and Senior and can represent up to 10% remission on fees for exceptional candidates meeting all of our set criteria. Candidates are expected to show exceptional promise in cricket and have an established record of achievement at school and club levels. Candidates will be required to take part in monitored net sessions to show evidence of their ability as well as skill, agility and fitness level. Records of achievement and school and club recommendations will be taken into consideration. Candidates will be interviewed by the Principal and base line academic assessment will also be undertaken. All Cricket Scholars are expected to be fully committed to the School’s cricket programme, putting school matches ahead of club matches. Scholarship days for our Cricket Academy take place throughout the year and details of the next scholarship day can be found on our website.

Performing Arts Academy Scholarships

Performing Arts Academy Scholarships are awarded to pupils who show exceptional promise in music, drama or dance as well as actual achievement. Candidates will be required to take part in monitored auditions to show evidence of their ability. Records of achievement will also be considered. Candidates will be interviewed by the Head of Performing Arts and the Principal and base line academic assessment will also be undertaken. All Performing Arts Academy Scholars are expected to be ambassadors for the music, dance and drama departments and play active roles in the co-curricular performing arts programmes. Scholarship days for our Performing Arts Academy take place throughout the year and details of the next scholarship day can be found on our website.

How to Apply for a Scholarship

An application form can be downloaded by clicking the link below.  Scholarship candidates will be invited to attend a scholarship day when they will be assessed and interviewed. Full details of assessments will be provided upon application. The Principal’s decision on all scholarships shall be final.


Open Morning – Saturday 15th March

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