students walking to school

Prep Curriculum & Learning

A strong focus on English and Maths is supported by subject specialist teaching for Science, Food Technology, PE, Music, Performing Arts, Design Technology, Drama and Modern Languages.

Curriculum Aim

We deliver a curriculum which meets the needs of all in a manner that stimulates, challenges, excites and encourages each pupil to question and enjoy the opportunities available to them; fulfilling their potential to the highest possible standard.

Curriculum Overview

  • English and Mathematics is delivered to each class every day.
  • A creative curriculum is used for curriculum subjects such as Science, History, Geography, Computing, RS and PSHE.
  • Spanish is introduced from Reception and is taught to all years by a subject specialist.
  • Forest School Leader led sessions are run on a weekly basis for all pupils.
  • Subject specialist staff teach Music, Spanish, PE, Drama and Games for all years.
  • Verbal Reasoning alongside Food Technology and Design Technology lessons are introduced from Year 3.
  • Subject specialists from the Senior School deliver Science to Years 5 and 6.


The curriculum provides for the teaching of PSHE which is taught to pupils from Year 3 as a timetabled discrete subject. The provision for spiritual, moral, social and cultural education and the teaching of British values are covered in these sessions.


Gosfield School’s Early Years Program Wins Prestigious ISA Award for Excellence and Innovation

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Open Morning – Saturday 5th October

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Sixth Form Open Evening – Thursday 10th October

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Scholarship Days

Year 7 2025 Saturday 9th November

Sixth form 2025 Thursday 5th December

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The George Fisher Netball Academy

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